
REDILives provides in-home support for individuals that is based on their needs. Support can range from a few hours a day, to 24/7 care depending on the individual.

In REDILives, individuals are assisted through 360-degree residential support. This means everything from personal care to groceries, life skills education, community activities, advocacy, medication delivery, and of course person enrichment.


the life they deserve

REDILives works to create compassionate, rich and reliable home lives for the individuals we support and help them find the life they deserve. 

Not only do we focus on quality of life within our homes, but also take part in enrichment opportunities such as travel, summer camps, and community outings.


utmost care

You will often find Individuals and staff relaxing together for a cup of coffee or a game of cards. The utmost care is taken to ensure that the social, emotional, and physical needs of the individual are being met. Currently REDI supports 36 individuals in housing, with ages ranging from 18 to seniors.