REDIConnects was created to provide a bridge for individuals to connect with the community in ways that are meaningful, empowering, and support independence. This team assists people with medical, social, legal, housing, fitness, nutrition, and crisis intervention support.

diverse support
Currently, REDIConnects supports 138 individuals from across the region.

four categories
REDIConnects is broken down into four categories
01. Connects
Provides services that promote an individual's inclusion in community activities, personal development, and provide respite support either in the individual's home or outside their home. Part of this is outreach, which is being able to provide whatever supports an individual needs be it medication, hygiene, grocery shopping, or budgeting. Whatever we can do to help someone be independent in the community and connecting clients with the support they need.
Arranges companions for people who are under the age of 65 and for health reasons, live-in long-term care. They do community outings, spend time together, play games, have coffee, and connect on an individual level. CAPCC ensures these individuals can connect with something valuable in their community.
03. CDSS
A program funded through the Alberta government's Human Services. It exists to assist Albertans with disabilities who require specialized services that they are unable to access or do not qualify for through other means. Community Disability Support Services is a safety net providing triage to understand how individuals need to be served. Through this, REDI shares with the community what our services and supports look like, and provides a warm transfer so that no one is left navigating the system alone.
04. FASD
The FASD Adult Mentorship program supports individuals aged 16 and older that have suspected or confirmed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Providing outreach supports, this program supports individuals in multiple ways, such as applying for financial supports, securing housing, budgeting, mental health and addictions supports, support with medical and professional appointments, and daily living activities such as grocery shopping. This program also supports individuals with community inclusion, physical activities, and creative interests.